Colorbond Fence Planter Box Hangups (pair)
Pot plant hangers for plastic medium sized Planter Boxes and Troughs. ( Sold as a pair) requiring no nails or screws.
Now available in longer size(60cm)
Colorbond Fence trellis and lattice Hangups(pair)
Hangers for trellis and lattice for Colorbond Fences requiring no nails or screws.
Will hang wooden lattice, Chicken wire and weld mesh(steel) for climbers
longer pairs now available to hang lower on the fence
Colorbond Fence Half Pot Hangups
Pot plant hangers for half pots and wall ornaments with 1 or 2 holes in the back. You only need one hanger per pot.
Will also hold stag horns on a board with wire across the back.
Colorbond Fence Solar Light Hangups
Solar Light hangers for Colorbond Fences requiring no nails or screws.
Colorbond Fence Hanging Basket Hangup
Turn your fence into an Instant Garden - No nails or screws required.
Standard hangers will hold a 300mm basket
Large hangers will hold a 400mm basket
X-Large hangers will hold a 500mm basket